Crypt Life brings Technological news, tips, tricks, reviews, features and much more to you. We update our blog day by day so that you get filled your tech trench.

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Founder and CEO - Arjun

About Arjun

CryptLife ArjunArjun likes to blog every day with his computer. He likes computer and other related stuff a lot. He is more interested in gazing on latest tech news, discovering tricks that have been performed in some social sites, tries to identify security holes on vulnerable sites.

Besides his technical skills, he is interested in music and space. He wonders how a galaxy and its family works. When he was little, he used to lie in the terrace and watch the sky.

He pursued Computer Science and Engineering in an Anna University affiliated institution at Madurai. He did his engineering and fascinates about a lot of logic and technology involved in developing such a wonderful tech world.

He likes to share more stuff with people through blogging. By blogging, he thinks that he can cover maximum people across the world.